A Night with the Nature Spirits

A Night with the Nature Spirits

A Night with the Nature Spirits

A night to research connection and communication with the Spirits of Nature through sacred engagement.

Utilising ceremony, creative mediums, sensory exercises and other technologies to amplify and guide our connection with the natural worlds.

Connecting with nature spirits might seem like the stuff of fairytales and childhood play, ideas that we have long since filed away to make room in our minds for the complexities of modern life as an adult on planet Earth.
Losing the natural awareness of nature spirits and driving them away from us through neglect and disrespect for nature is unfortunately a symptom of our separation from the realm of nature spirits as well as the plant world.

Together with the human dimension, these three ‘Mother Worlds’ need to be reunited as they were in deep history, in order to further evolution for everyone and preserve life on Earth.

We’re optimistic and believe this loss can be reversed.

Join us for a research night with the Mother-world of Nature to explore connection & communication. Utilising ceremony, creative mediums, sensory exercises and other technologies to amplify and guide our connection with the natural worlds.

Option to sleep over in the tipi for connective dreaming.
The experience includes:

  • Walking the selfic spiral
  • Sensory connection with the trees
  • Cacao drink and meditation to open heart coherence and increase receptivity
  • Connecting to the elements
  • Creative mediums for expressing connection / communication (art/music)
  • Tracing schemas for amplifying connection to nature and guiding the dreaming

COST: $90

DATE: Saturday 6th March 2021
6 pm – 10pm

LOCATION: Perth Hills, Western Australia

CONTACT: If you would like to attend this workshop please contact us via our Contact page to register your interest.

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Jan 24 2025


6:00 PM - 10:00 PM



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Iridescent Red
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