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Damanhur: A door towards a new future


Upcoming Events and Workshops

The Damanhur Project

Damanhur is a Living Lab for the Future, a Federation of communities and a worldwide movement, inspiring the lives of thousands of people committed to making a positive mark in the world. It is well known for its beautiful underground Temples of Humankind

Damanhur Australia

Damanhur Australia first formed in 2016 when a few interested people in Western Australia, South Australia and New South Wales started meeting weekly via Zoom with some dedicated instructors in Damanhur Italy to begin exploring the Path of the Initiate run by the Damanhurian Medit-Action school.

In 2018, those who decided to continue further travelled to Italy to experience first hand the culture, the connections and diversity that is Damanhur, including many visits to the wonderful Temples of Humankind.

This began our journey exploring the teachings of Falco Terassaco, and being inspired to build our own community of researchers to participate in the great spiritual project that is Damanhur.

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