Path of the Initiate

Interested in the Mystery School of Damanhur?

Feel called to walk the sacred Path of the Initiate?

This is an invitation to study with the international Damanhur community, following a spiritual research pathway based on sharing and self-transformation. The Path of the Initiate is a journey of spiritual evolution which includes:

  • Access to esoteric knowledge and spiritual science regarding the laws and forces governing the universe;
  • Activation of a direct relationship with the forces of the spiritual ecosystem; and
  • Guidance towards the reawakening of personal and group consciousness.

An authentic spiritual pathway leading to the awakening of the master within each one of us.

The Damanhur philosophy teaches us to not delegate our personal spiritual evolution outside of ourselves but to develop our true sovereignty and self-mastery in order to reach our higher capacity for unity with all life.

There is no binding commitment … you are welcome to try it out and see if it is for you.

Regular meetings with Damanhurian Instructors occur via ZOOM. People can meet online individually or at common group locations.
The structure of this spiritual research pathway works through a group model as many of the teachings utilise collective consciousness and group interaction.

The Path of the Initiate utilises the power of group consciousness and all must enter as part of a group which will contain members from across Australia.

Once a group forms and becomes stable, it closes to new members so that the participants can build group consciousness.

The new group will officially OPEN on Tuesday 23rd January and be followed by a time of trial through weekly Zoom meetings and other events, so you may determine if it is truly your soul calling. The group will CLOSE at Winter Solstice (June 2024), however new members can still join until 31st August, 2024 … then the sacred journey will begin..

Next group will open in 2026.

If you are interested, please email us via our Contact page or call the number for our Perth Centre also listed on the Contact page to receive information on how to connect.

** Include your phone and email contact information.