Connecting with Plant Consciousness

Connecting with Plant Consciousness

Connecting with Plant Consciousness

This is a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the magical wisdom of the plants.

Come and share the special offerings of the Plant Kingdom, as we reach out to connect consciously and offer our alliance to them in an exploratory afternoon.
We will seek to explore the relationship that connects us to the plant kingdom, starting with the breath.
Upon this planet, humans and animals exchange energy in a spin cycle of breathing in oxygen and breathing out carbon dioxide. This cycle is perfectly balanced with the cycle of plants who bring the opposite spin of energy. This is an exchange of consciousness, two expressions of the forms present on this planet working in symbiotic balance. What if this exchange was of greater importance that we previously thought? What if forming relationship with the world of plants was essential to our evolution?

We welcome you to join us in an afternoon of discovery, where we will tap into the deeper meanings of creating alliance with this ancient kingdom.

  • Learn more about why connecting with plant consciousness is an essential part of humankind’s purpose and evolutionary possibility.
  • Experience practical activities that open the gateways of your senses to bring deep connection with the plant consciousness.
  • Listen to the different “voices” of plants through Music of the Plant devices.
  • Join in a group meditation with an ancient Jarrah tree to access ancient memories and shared purpose.

Venue: Mundaring Forest, Perth Hills, (meeting point sent with confirmation).

Cost: $25

Contact: Contact us or text 0419994250 for further information

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Sep 12 2024


2:00 PM - 5:00 PM



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