INNER COHERENCE CUFF — Fine-Tuning Your Inner Symphony


This cuff helps you align your different inner voices, creating a coherent internal environment to reach self-actualization, balancing the diverse facets within you—your complex interplay of desires, ideas, beliefs, and behaviors. You can also use it to establish a focused connection with one or more specific aspects of your psyche.

You can use it for personal exploration and transformation, in the inner alchemy process of refining and purifying your character traits, bringing them into a harmonious balance. You can call upon different aspects of yourself when needed, and integrate them more fully into your being.

Sizing – approximate measurements:
Small: 5.5 cm in diameter
Large: 6.5 cm in diameter

** BACKORDERS – This item may be pre-ordered to be included in our next bulk stock order to Damanhur Italy. On average we place a bulk order every 2 – 3 months as a general rule. On occasion some colours may not be available, we will contact you to advise what is available if this occurs.


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This selfic cuff is designed for profound personal exploration and transformation. You can use it to summon and stabilize a specific aspect of your psyche at a precise moment, enabling a focused connection with that particular facet of yourself. Moreover, this tool’s alchemical nature implies a deep work of refining and purifying your character traits, bringing them into a harmonious balance to reflect your highest potential. With this tool, you can call upon different aspects of yourself when needed, and integrate these aspects more fully into your being, promoting overall growth and self-actualization.

The focalizing function stems out of the understanding that only one facet of the myriad elements composing your psyche accumulates the full experience of a specific ability, and offers a nuanced understanding of how to optimize a performance in various tasks.

This idea posits that for activities requiring specialized skills, be it playing the piano, racing a sports car, or engaging in a specific practice, one particular aspect of you—that can be defined as a specific persona— accumulates all the relevant experience and proficiency, and is therefore best suited to excel in that task. The challenge is how to consistently access and harness this optimal facet of ourselves whenever we undertake the task: this selfic cuff, if directed by intention, helps doing just that. By understanding that different parts of our psyche specialize in different tasks and learning how to harmonize these parts, we can potentially unlock new levels of skill, efficiency, and fulfilment in our activities.

The harmonizing function ensures that that specific facet of yours is supported and balanced by the rest of the psyche. So, it doesn’t merely isolate or amplify the specific persona best suited to the task at hand, but it also aligns your inner voices, creating a coherent internal environment where the chosen aspect can lead without discord or resistance from the others.

InnerCoherence will become uniquely attuned to your energy field of, and should not be shared to maintain its efficacy and personalized connection.

This selfic cuff will attune uniquely to your energy field, and should not be shared to maintain its efficacy and personalized connection. It may even change in shape to perfectly match your distinctive energetic signature.

Please, keep it away from water!

Selfica’s copper bracelets and wearables feature a specific coating that leaves only a tiny portion of the copper exposed. This selective design maintains the beneficial connection with the body while safeguarding against any potential negative effects of prolonged exposure to copper.


Spiritual Technology to connect with the life-force of nature and the intelligence of the cosmos
As quantum physics explores the borders of mysticism, re-defining energy and consciousness, it is becoming a part of accepted science to describe our universe as energy shaped by thought. In a mythical form, this is the story all ancient wisdom traditions told, us, using objects and images to connect to the living energies of the cosmos.

Many of their symbols are now being used by millions of people around the world.

But in these changing times, there are new symbols and forces that are entering our collective consciousness to help guide our future. And create through them an alchemy of forces to lead our future on a path of awakening and evolution?

At Damanhur, to connect to this new flow of forces, we have re-discovered and developed Selfica, an art-science based on the basic form of our universe, the spiral, and on a specific mathematics of forms and proportions.

Find out more about Selfic technology in Spirals of Energy and I Make Things Happen

Additional information

Dimensions N/A
Glass Colour

Anthracite, Bright Blue, Coral red, Dark Violet, Iridescent Blue, Iridescent Gold, Iridescent Red, Olive Green, Transparent opaque with Green or Peach veins, Transparent White, Turquoise, Yellow


Large, Small