
  • It stimulates the immune system and supports vitality by strengthening the body’s defences, especially from an energetic point of view. It is particularly useful at the change of the season. A great support also for people who travel frequently, and wish to alleviate the effects of jet lag. This selfic bracelet will connect to the energy field of just one person and cannot be shared. The connection is active within approximately 2 hours of use. If used consistently, the bracelet may change its shape. This is a further indication that it is adjusting to the energy field of the person wearing it.
  • One of the most popular Selfs, it strengthens memory and can be used for study, in daily life and to reinforce the part of the memory linked to profound spirituality. Its structure is similar to the section of the brain that regulates memory. It is to be carried inside the aura. To obtain the maximum effect this Self is to be worn by men inside a small yellow pouch and by women inside a blue pouch. Placed on the forehead, this Self is also useful in relieving headaches and placed upon the throat relieves fever and sore throat.
  • The environment of a car, similarly to that of a home, is influenced by the emotional and mental emanations of the people in it. This Self creates a coherent field that increases the driver’s concentration and alertness, reducing the chances of dangerous behavior. It must be placed on the dashboard on the driver’s side with its point facing forward. ** BACKORDERS – This item may be pre-ordered to be included in our next bulk stock order to Damanhur Italy. On average we place a bulk order every 2 – 3 months as a general rule.
  • The best selling bracelet for the body, and a favorite of men. It combines four different actions, to support the body fully
    • strengthening the vital aura;
    • protection from radioactivity, magnetic, computer and cellphone fields;
    • transforming frequencies of energies that create destructive interferences,
    • boosting of the immune system.
    ** BACKORDERS - This item may be pre-ordered to be included in our next bulk stock order to Damanhur Italy. On average we place a bulk order every 2 - 3 months as a general rule.
  • This brand new self, created after a long research, will become a fundamental accessory of your computer. Applied as a clip to one side of the screen, it ensures that EMFs emitted by the computer you are using do not accumulate in your body. Furthermore, this selfic clip modulates the radiation field emitted by the computer, and creates a protective screen for the eyes, so that they do not get too tired.

    The selfic computer clip comes in two models, one for laptops, the other for desktop computers.

  • The Neck and Pain Necklace concentrates its action in the area between the neck and the shoulder blades, producing a long-lasting analgesic effect in a very short time. It is to be worn at the onset of pain, with the coils in contact with the nape of the neck, and removed as soon as the aching subsides. It is recommended also against cervical arthritis and to relax tensions in the shoulders. This Self is intended for personal use, and will not be effective if shared.
  • The Mind-Heart Ring synchronizes and harmonizes the energy field of the heart with that of the mind, creating a relationship between the rational and emotional aspects of the user. It facilitates contact with the deepest parts of oneself. It is worn on the little finger and ring finger for two hours a day, either in the left or right hand. This Selfic ring is designed to create harmony in the energy field of the heart and mind, unifying the rational and emotional or male and female aspects of the user and thus helping improve the capacity for empathy, intuition, and clarity of thought. Its design is made with copper, mica, and circuits and comes in three different sizes to fit most hands. The size of the ring is determined by the diameter of the two fingers it covers (pinkie and ring finger) with approximate measurements of small 3 cm, medium 3.5 cm, and large 4 cm in diameter. Each size is crafted with careful attention and precision that ensures the user is wearing a product of superior comfort. This Self is intended for personal use, and will not be effective if shared. Measure: Large, Medium, Small Dimension (L x W): 4 x 2.5, 3 x 2, 2 x 2 ** BACKORDERS - This item may be pre-ordered to be included in our next bulk stock order to Damanhur Italy. On average we place a bulk order every 2 - 3 months as a general rule.
  • It lessens the energetic barriers that clothes made of non-organic or synthetic fabrics and chemical dyes create between our body and the vital force of nature. It can be worn as a pendant or pinned to any item of clothing.
  • For soul, mind and emotional harmony

    This bracelet supports the harmony of the mind and emotions, combining the functions of three different Selfs:
    1. the harmonisation of personalities (like the Personality Bracelet)
    2. the balancing of sensitivity (like the Bracelet for Sensitivity)
    3. the connection and synch of the energetic fields of the mind and the heart. (like the mind-heart ring)
    The constant use of this bracelet facilitates inner dialogue, centering and balance, creating the basis for the awakening of profound personal talents. This Self is intended for personal use, and will not be effective if shared. COLOUR is purely indicative and may vary.   ** BACKORDERS - This item may be pre-ordered to be included in our next bulk stock order to Damanhur Italy. On average we place a bulk order every 2 - 3 months as a general rule.
  • This bracelet with alchemical liquids helps improve mood, by balancing states of anxiety and relieving related problems. It is to be worn in the upper arm for 2 hours a day. ** BACKORDERS - This item may be pre-ordered to be included in our next bulk stock order to Damanhur Italy. On average we place a bulk order every 2 - 3 months as a general rule.
  • It concentrates vital energy throughout the aura of the wearer, and protects against the effects of magnetic fields, static electricity and fields created by computers and mobile phones. It is useful also to relieve tension in case of stress. It is to be worn for at least six hours a day, preferably on the right wrist.
  • An effective instrument for the research and practice of dowsing. Thanks to its selfic structure, it attunes easily with its user bypassing and filtering out any expectations that may influence the answers. Created in 2012, it has a special function that facilitates contact and communication with trees and the plant world. It can be used to participate in the project of “Orienting Trees”: This Self is intended for personal use, and will not be effective if shared.
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