
  • First Book of the Initiate Author: Falco Tarassaco (Oberto Airaudi) PAPERBACK version Are these perhaps the End Times? A new beginning in the history of humanity? Are spiritual messages arriving, so that we - men, women and children - can find our purity again, and our ability to believe, to hope, to build a new life? This is the dream that OroCritshna talks about every evening, sitting around the fire. He is a mysterious Envoy, who offers a vision of the world that is both ideal and practical. He takes us on an inner journey through joy, pain and love so that we can encounter our deepest self and share it with others. This is the First Book of the Initiate, an essential element in the exploration of the philosophy of Oberto Airaudi Dying to Learn is the premier book in a fictional trilogy written by Oberto “Falco” Airaudi, founder and spiritual guide of The Federation of Damanhur in Italy. Originally, Falco wrote the Initiate series to teach students at the Damanhur Mystery School and to honor Damanhur’s Temples to Humanity, which are often called the “Eighth Wonder of the World.” Now, Falco’s books have been translated into English and are being offered to the public at large.
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    Available from Damanhur Australia
  • by Stambecco Pesco, Unicorno Arachide, Ciprea Calendula Music, painting, theater and more at Damanhur Art is a spiritual language with the ability to awaken the creative potential in each human being. Take a journey through the various Damanhurian artistic expressions to discover a place where the creativity of individuals is harmonized to create a cultural identity that tells the myth of a new people.
    Formats available:  Paperback, eBook
    Available from Damanhur Australia  
  • Damanhur Con Te Series no. 1 Community agora and elixir for a long social life Author: Coboldo Melo PAPERBACK version The philosophy and political system of the first forty years of Damanhur, Federation of Communities, is an original and unpredictable journey inspired by the participatory democracy of the Greek polis. Elected roles, responsibilities and human relations form a community that brings to life a new social model in continuous transformation. Now, in the new Millennium and in the land of Olivetti's dream, Spaceships (spaceships) have arrived, clusters of small communities overflowing with ambitious projects. Damanhur, with more than forty years of history and over a thousand members worldwide, is a social and spiritual experience with many stories to tell. "Damanhur Con Te" is a way to collect, share and bring home pieces of the wisdom — or the foolhardiness, depending on how you look at it — that has guided us on this adventure.
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  • Damanhur Con Te Series no. 7 Children’s Education in the Federation of Communities Author: Stambecco Pesco PAPERBACK version How do Damanhurian educate their children? According to what values? What does it mean to guide them towards their future choices? This is the story of what it means to be parents living in a community, seeking and finding formula and to help their children be happy and independent. Damanhur, with more than forty years of history and thousands of followers all over the world, is a social and spiritual experience that has a lot of stories to share with the reader. "Damanhur Con Te" represents a way to collect them and tell them so that you can take away with you a small piece of the wisdom - or the foolishness, it depends on how you look at it - that has led us in this adventure.
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  • Damanhur Con Te Series no. 6 Damanhur's story year by year Author: Coboldo Melo PAPERBACK version Damanhur is one of the most structured Communities in the world and its story contains so many initiatives and events that we should need a much bigger volume than this to tell them all. For that reason, in these pages we have condensed the following phases: the conception of the community project (1969 - 1979), its physical creation and subsequent consolidation (1980 - 1992), the period of rapid expansion (1993 - 2000), and the further growth that still continues, uninterrupted. Damanhur, with more than forty years of history and thousands of followers all over the world, is a social and spiritual experience that has a lot of stories to share with the reader. "Damanhur Con Te" represents a way to collect them and tell them so that you can take away with you a small piece of the wisdom - or the foolishness, it depends on how you look at it - that has led us in this adventure.
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  • Damanhur Con Te Series no. 5 A game for getting to know our true inner strength Author: Coboldo Melo PAPERBACK version A game of intimidation, persuasion, suggestions, that teaches you to think simultaneously with many kinds of logic. It is a game with an infinite number of tricks to be continuously invented. As in our own existence, in Damanhurian Risk, everything is put together with everything else and there are no separate realities. Damanhur, with more than forty years of history and over a thousand members worldwide, is a social and spiritual experience with many stories to tell. "Damanhur Con Te" is a way to collect, share and bring home pieces of the wisdom — or the foolhardiness, depending on how you look at it — that has guided us on this adventure.
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  • Damanhur Con Te Series no. 8 Author: Stambecco Pesco As Narrated By: Falco Tarassaco PAPERBACK version Beings and consciousness from the farthest reaches of the universe, as narrated by Falco Tarassaco What are the peoples of other worlds like? What do they think? What civilizations have they developed? And which of them - if any - are in contact with Damanhurians? Between incredible beings and others similar to ourselves, which are real and which are pure imagination?
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  • Damanhur Con Te Series no. 2 What the Sacred Woods Temple is and what it represents Author: Stambecco Pesco PAPERBACK version Since time immemorial the woods are the home of life. The Damanhurians have transformed their Woods into a sacred place, a meeting point for the different worlds of existence which hosts meditation paths, altars, pyramids, as well as plants, animals, spirits of nature and human beings. Damanhur, with more than forty years of history and over a thousand members worldwide, is a social and spiritual experience with many stories to tell. "Damanhur Con Te" is a way to collect, share and bring home pieces of the wisdom — or the foolhardiness, depending on how you look at it — that has guided us on this adventure.
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  • Damanhur Con Te Series no. 4 Humankind, Gods and the Quesiti Author: Stambecco Pesco PAPERBACK version Damanhur is a path of spiritual research, inspired by the teachings of Falco Tarassaco and further developed by the Damanhurians themselves, over many years of living together, into a philosophy of life. These are the principles, the ideas and the rituals of a school of thought that discovers the Divine in every aspect of existence. Damanhur, with more than forty years of history and over a thousand members worldwide, is a social and spiritual experience with many stories to tell. "Damanhur Con Te" is a way to collect, share and bring home pieces of the wisdom — or the foolhardiness, depending on how you look at it — that has guided us on this adventure.
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    Available from Damanhur Australia
  • CATALOG OF SELFIC PAINTINGS The most striking feature of Oberto Airaudi’s paintings is life. Life as the first ingredient, as emotion, communication, asymmetry and movement, because in his works you can still feel the pulse of the artistic act, as if the painter had managed to crystallize on the canvas a particle of time: the painting is there, finished, but it is as if it were still being painted, as if the shapes and signs were continuously being recreated. Behind Oberto Airaudi’s paintings one cannot imagine a static painter, motionless while drawing. The artist is the action that creates the canvas. The colors, the signs, the shapes are the living actors of the composition. Even in the universality of the themes treated, Oberto Airaudi’s paintings also offer keys to understanding the historical, social and spiritual development of the Federation of Damanhur.
    Formats available:  Hardcover
  • New Photo Book of the Temples of Humankind An exciting journey of aesthetic, cultural and artistic inspiration. More than 140 images of the Hall of the Temples of Humankind plus exclusive photos of the sacred spaces adjacent to them. Fine art edition. Pages: 192 Language: bilingual in Italian and English
    Formats available:  Paperback
  • by Stambecco Pesco The largest Italian spiritual community told by someone who lives there Forty years of Damanhur story, told by those who experienced them in person. The story of the day of a Damanhurian, to understand how you live, you think, it grows into what is now the largest secular spiritual community in Italy. Formats available:  
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  • Authors: Formica Coriandolo, Stambecco Pesco Daily life, thoughts and history of a community of dreamers Since 1975, the Foundation of the first Community, here is a guide to know Damanhur, a Federation of Communities located in Valchiusella (Piedmont, Italy). Founded as a social experiment of a small group of dreamers led by Falco Tarassaco (Oberto Airaudi), Damanhur is a confirmed reality in which just under a thousand people live, who use call themselves with plant and animal names, as a symbol of renewal and connection with nature. A multilingual society, open to exchanges with the local area and local people, whose many aspects of daily life and thought are told in simple language, that captures the depth of every single topic, incititing curiosity and desire to learn more. The Constitution and the internal schools, the Temples of Humankind and the Sacred Woods Temple, art and work, health and nutrition, selfica and the School of Meditation: the spiritual and practical dimensions are connected into a pathway that helps the traveler to build their own personal visit, starting from specific interests or curiosity all round. An essential tool to enjoy what the magic of Damanhur has to offer.
    Formats available:  Paperback, eBook
  • by Esperide Ananas Plants perceive sound and love to play music. This is demonstrated by studies and experiments conducted in academic research and, more importantly, by the experiences of many researchers and musicians who teach plants to use electronic, musical equipment to play and sing along with them. The research into plant intelligence, plant sensitivity and the willingness of plants to communicate with us opens our minds and our hearts to a new vision of nature and to unprecedented opportunities to dialogue with the plant world.
    Formats available:  Paperback, eBook
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